Parent Reform | Christian Home

The Christian Home



Welcome to our Christian Home resources.
We hope they inspire and encourage!

We want to help you replace the cultural ideas that seem to creep into our lives over time with God-centered, God-honoring goals and desires for your Christian home.

Understanding what scripture has to say about our own hearts and lives as individuals, couples, parents, and family will be a solid step in the direction of creating a home that honors and glorifies God and that shines the gospel light in a lost and hurting world in desperate need of eternal hope.

We hope these resources will help you develop a vision for your home and family—a target at which to aim. “Vision” may sound to some a bit new age or power-of-positive-thinking-ish. Not at all! Think of it as a mindset, perhaps a mental north star to navigate toward.

This mindset will provide you an expectation of conduct and results for your home and family life. A kind of day-in-day-out light to provide the contrast against the darkness of the world.

The clearer your mindset and functional vision, the brighter that guiding light will be. Without that, things tend to appear in shades of gray and where uncertainty plagues.


Resources for reading, watching, and listening.

The Beauty of the Christian Home

This special edition production is a "spoken word" created from the weaving of 80 Bible verses into a tapestry depicting the profound beauty and weight of God's creation - marriage, family, and the Christian home. If you need a bit of vision and inspiration for your marriage and home today, then listening and meditating on the scriptures revealed will be time well spent.

Written by Mary Robbins, Music by Caleb Robbins, Engineering by Warren Robbins and Sam Hunt

Watch this video presentation of a spoken word extolling the beauty and virtue of the Christian home.

What is a man?
What is a woman?

Frankly, the widespread biblical illiteracy prevalent among Christians today regarding biblical roles for men and women in the home and church is stunning.

Many are unaware that the Bible speak clearly to the roles for men and women, husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, and boys and girls.
The topic of male and female roles within the Christian family has long been controversial
Now, tragically, the roles within the church has recently become quite controversial as well.

Regardless of the controversy or discomfort we may feel discussing them, since they are biblical truths – we must teach, believe, and live them out!

We highly recommend this helpful resource for understanding the complementary nature of the roles God has assigned to humanity. This system of explaining roles has become known as Complementarianism.

Since there is so much confusion today we believe it is essential for parents to be informed on this. Not just for their own marriage but so they can guide and instruct their children through the fog of culture's confused ideology.

We now see scientists separating one’s biological sex from gender. The occurrence of Gender Dysphoria, distress from feeling one’s biological sex does not match their psychological gender, is on the rise among children and adolescents.

We see the increasing of feminization of men and the masculinization of women resulting in a generation multiplied with soft men and rugged women.

This decline is not like random erosion, like what waves do to a beach. Rather, it is a directed Satanic attack, more like a battering ram on a fortress gate. Deliberate, directed, hostile, forceful blows against a citadel.

God seems to have ordained three primary human institutions:

  1. Family (marriage and then children)
  1. Church – God’s people on the earth
  1. Government – organized human authority instituted to praise the good and punish evildoers according to 1 Peter 2:14
Satan assaults them all – but the most devastation results from attacks on marriages and families.

Why is marriage and the family a primary target of Satan? Because the family is the primary human institution – topple that, and the others weaken and soon follow.

When we faithfully fulfill our biblical roles with our homes marriage provides a living picture of Christ and the church to the cosmos. It gives increased capacity to accomplish man’s God-given work.

Husband – Christ like head, a servant unto death on loving behalf of his beloved, gifted possession. A servant leader, a need meeter, a foot washer. A sacrificial leader, self-denying, life yielding.

Wife – Church like body, a willing, suitable, joyful submitted helper for her head.

Husband – shepherd of the home, loves his wife, lays down his life for his wife.

Wife – helper, joyfully and enthusiastically submitted, honors husband (as Sarah honored Abraham, as flawed as he was).

Children – faithful, obedient, honoring their parents and blessing them as an invaluable inheritance.

The "Still Face" Experiment, by Dr. Edwin Tronick.
Copyright © 2007 ZERO TO THREE

The Connected Home

Watch the fascinating (and disturbing) "Still Face" Experiment, in which a mother denies her baby attention for a short period of time.

Dr. Edwin Tronick describes how prolonged lack of attention can move an infant from good socialization, to periods of bad but repairable socialization. In "ugly" situations, the child does not receive any chance to return to the good, and may become stuck.

In our research, we've discovered that the effects of emotional and physical neglect are equal, and sometimes even worse, than the effects from physical abuse.

As babies are born and go though the amazing process of connecting, bonding, and attaching with their parents it actually impacts the development of their brains. A child’s brain is sculpted by their experiences. The lack of consistent bonding and connectedness with the parent adversely effects the development of the brain, thus adversely effecting behavior. Neglect actually harms the brain.

The good news is, with consistent and copious effort this can largely be reversed if begun in young childhood.
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