overwhelmed | Parent Reform | Blog

Remember My Chains

Our women's ministry just recently completed a beautiful study in the book of Colossians. I have read through it’s four chapters now many times and continue to glean new, rich truths. However, there are three simple words the apostle Paul writes to the church in Colossae that penetrates my heart every time I read themContinue Reading »

Forged in the Heart

Over the years we’ve been called on by many exasperated parents who’ve hit critical mass in their homes and are in desperate need hoping to turn their circumstances around. Continue Reading »

Resetting Your Priorities

Parent Reform parenting training Priorities
A “good” parent is a humble and teachable parent. One who willingly and frequently reevaluates priorities. It can be an uncomfortable process, but one that is absolutely necessary to maintain a home that is conducive to the faithful nurturing and training of children.Continue Reading »

Ah, Don't Worry - It's Urgent!

Blog 12 - Ah, Don't Worry - It's Urgent!
Sometimes when I deeply ponder the gravity of parenting and truly consider the stakes, a certain deep-seated uneasiness (perhaps approaching panic) slips over me. It isn't thinking about parenting in general that does this, it is thinking about the parenting of a specific child who seems to have drifted off course without my having noticed it sooner.
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What are the Fundamentals Needs for Parents Today? Part 2: Peace

Blog 02 - Fundamental Needs
Domestic desperation and chaos - many parents find themselves facing unrelenting waves of turmoil, crises and conflict in their homes. How do I do this? Am I doing this right? What exactly should I be doing? Is this normal? How long can this go on, how long can I go on? So uncertain, so weary. And, thankfully, all so unnecessary.Continue Reading »